Saturday, December 27, 2008

Kill or Be Killed

Slither Gloves
Originally uploaded by craftytails
Bleary-eyed, I awoke at 5:30 this morning to get to the huge yarn sale. Everything in the store was at least 35% off, so I decided to break my yarn fast with a rather embarrassing splurge. I was doing well with stash control, knitting up sweaters and socks, but this was too much for anyone to resist.

Unlike previous experiences with full-contact shopping (Sam Moon being the most memorable example), I was not elbowed in the gut or hurled to the floor. My personal belief is that most people are not fully awake and ready for a Deadwood-style brawl at 6:00 A.M. I even received at least a dozen compliments on my Natty hat, used solely to disguise my greasy hair which was sticking up in all directions when I groggily dressed and stumbled into the car.

In total, I spent far less than anticipated. Perhaps this is a good thing, since I recently dropped cash on a cashmere argyle sweater that was 70% off, but still expensive. The reason for the self-control was the lack of yarn that I need for specific projects. Yes, I could substitute in some instances, but this will require more brain cells than I care to use on a project right now. For a fraction of what I would normally spend, I brought home a trash bag full of yarny goodness. Due to the excessive amount of people grabbing up stock, I am one ball shy of a Tilted Duster and I have more than enough yarn for Ruby.

And yes, I hit the Noro like a cheap tart.