Monday, October 18, 2010


Mr. Greenjeans
Originally uploaded by craftytails
Once again, NaNoWriMo is almost upon us. For many knitters, November marks a concentrated effort to knit a 50,000-stitch sweater in a month. The criteria is detailed on the original blog and looks quite daunting. My schedule doesn't allow for the full completion of a new sweater from scratch, but I am determined to finish some UFOs on the needles. My Garter Yoke Cardigan is finished and fits amazingly well. Now, I am working on the second sleeve of my Mr. Greenjeans cardigan in a vibrant tangerine heather (pictured). The Tilted Duster is still awaiting sleeve seams and buttons. If I budget my time correctly, all three cardigans will be ready for the winter weather (such as it is in Texas). Not a single sweater actually fits the rules of NaKniSweMo, but the spirit is still there.

In the midst of these large projects, there are surprises in the works for the holiday season. This year, I refuse to get caught in a last-minute dash to the finish line. Patterns have been purchased and yarn orders placed, so all should go according to plan (appendages crossed). With the exception of a scarf, most projects have been chosen for their simplicity and beauty. Viewing my craft life with a "less is more" attitude has really helped me evaluate my struggle between being both a process knitter and one who enjoys the finished object. My ambition has the tendency to override common sense and a new way of thinking has severely curtailed both unnecessary spending and starting things that will ultimately remain unfinished.

Besides knitterly pursuits, some time will be dedicated toward the task of infusing vodka, specifically with cardamom and ginger. I am not one to be trusted in the kitchen for most purposes and this idea reeks of potential disaster. Either way, the thought of having jars full of mysterious potions in my cupboard makes me feel like I am pretending to be a booze-friendly Professor Snape.

My dance card (aka convention schedule) is rapidly filling up for 2011 and will continue to be updated on this blog. The most recently announced appearance at Sakura-Kon has become more exciting after being informed that many staff members either knit or crochet. In light of this news, I will donate a hand-knitted Jayne Cobb hat to the charity auction. It's always nice to have the ability to combine two seemingly disparate interests in a relevant manner.

Now, off to hyper-focus on costume ideas for Halloween. After promising to go to a party, I find myself lacking something clever to wear.