Thursday, January 31, 2008

Bribery? Why Yes.

Originally uploaded by craftytails
As Dee has quickly found out, I can be bribed to work with the tiniest amounts of my favorite drug... sock yarn.

My first rpm sock was made from an early batch of hand-dyed yarn from CarrotCate. This colorway is called Chocolate Cherry Tree and I think it looks rather interesting with the spiral pattern in the opposite direction. I made a few mistakes in the pattern due to sheer inattention on my part. I highly doubt anyone will stare at my feet long enough to notice.

There is nothing, and I mean nothing, more surreal and shameless than finding and rejoicing over a skein of yarn sitting in my chair at work. (Except maybe the incident where someone else carried in a backpack full of yarn and began hurling ball after ball at my head with full force. That was a good day.)

I am carrying around the copious remains of the yarn, hoping to start the second sock during my UFO clearance. I think I figured out my error with the Central Park Hoodie, so it's just a matter of ripping back and making a slight adjustment. I really have only the hood, edging and finishing left. My habit of letting nearly completed projects linger for months is disgraceful. Really, I think my gothy Foliage Bear will be the first to reach the finish line, but we will have to see what strikes my fancy first.

See? All of this whining over unfinished things and I had the nerve to start and finish a neon orange Hallowig this week. I found three different colors of neon acrylic (don't ask) in my stash and decided to make a wig out of each. I fully intend on mailing them to friends without a note of explanation.

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