Monday, August 17, 2009


Due to an excessive drain on the free hotel wifi this weekend, I was not able to get as much work done as planned. Tonight was spent catching up on a few things until I realized there is something terribly wrong with the laptop. Guess it's going back to the hospital.

Thanks to the armadillo household, the craft nest has a nearly full box of nicotine gum. I think the recommended dosage is way too high, so I plan to use it only when absolutely necessary. Cold turkey may create far too much drama. The feeling of taking such a big plunge is really liberating! I am gnawing on piece number two, hoping it doesn't cause me to have yet another bout with insomnia. The fitful sleeping during the past month is taking a toll on my addled brain. I want to drink a glass of wine to help me feel drowsy, but that's just another trigger I need to avoid.

The need for cheer has never been more urgent, so here are two links that make me smile:

A lovely, classy friend of mine posted a link to the next purse I need to buy.

Bringing together two great loves, the open source embroidery project is nothing short of fabulous.

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Patternless Skirt
Originally uploaded by craftytails
(This blog entry was cobbled together from several lesser drafts sitting in my folder. Instead of posting separately like a rational person, I am dumping the entire lot here. Commence the disjointed rambling!)

My newest friend has taught me how to sew! (Or at the very least, how to use a sewing machine without trepidation or abject terror.) A confession needs to be made at this time about my collecting habits. The yarn stash finally appears gargantuan compared to my fabric stash. For many years, I scoured thrift stores, Ebay sellers, estate sales and clearance bins with the sole purpose of obtaining fabulous/original/quirky fabric. This has been a sideline addiction, going unnoticed and unchecked for over a decade. My closet is bursting at the seams with plastic bins full of bolts and remnants that I always "intend to do something with". The time has finally arrived for me to stop procrastinating and begin clearing out old materials and making room for new things. At the very least, I want to make my closet manageable for the first time in my adult life.

I continue to be plagued with low-light conditions in my apartment, so recent photos are not the greatest quality until I can purchase adequate lighting and a better camera (image stabilization is NOT overrated). The project pictured here is actually far more vibrant in real life and I love it, flaws and all. This is a gathered skirt with a wide waistband, trimmed with grosgrain ribbon and rickrack. I have not figured out which shirt to wear with it, but there is sure to be something appropriate out there.

The weekend at San Japan was wonderful! I met new friends and spent time with old ones. For me, the entire four days went off without a real hitch. I can attribute this to the hardworking staff who made it possible for the convention to run so smoothly. My flight immediately followed the charity auction today, making it impossible for me to get a final total. Once the Austin Browncoats finish working their magic, the auction will be finalized. Their tireless efforts truly made the difference this weekend.

Surprisingly, I am still awake. My "sleeping in a strange bed insomnia" mixed with my current "stress-related insomnia", creating an obnoxious cocktail which has wreaked hate on my body.

After sweating straight through six outfits this weekend, I am waiting for laundry to finish drying. Thanks to the scary flea infestation, my sheets are also being washed again to alleviate any lingering paranoia. The stupid life cycle of the pests has finally been broken and it's only a matter of time before my home returns to normalcy. I can't wait to stop vacuuming on a daily basis. The bruising caused by excessive housecleaning had to be explained far too many times this weekend.