Saturday, July 21, 2007

Toiling Away

So... I have not made much progress on the UFOs. I have been knitting feverishly on my monkey socks, and I hope to finish by early next week. Perhaps this will happen sooner, but I can't be too sure. I plan to show my bunny-in-progress to my mother tomorrow. Hopefully, it will be more on the FO than the WIP side. I think I have been spending too much time on Ravelry and too little time knitting.

Some projects are nearing completion, like a cat bed that was started, oh, about nine months ago. I bought a cheap kit for a few dollars and got very frustrated with the yarn. The chenille they provided was of incredibly cheap quality, so it kept breaking and shedding all over the place. The pattern itself is pretty straightforward, so I think I am going to start another one with nicer yarn when this is finished. Hopefully, I will have the new bed ready by the time he tears up this one. He's a tad on the violent side.

Last night, I met up with friends for a Harry Potter book launch at a local store. We had a lot of fun, but I was surprised to see that the Charmed Knits book was not on display. After searching, we couldn't find it on the shelf containing the rest of the knitting books, either. After asking an employee to run a search, they located it in the children's activity section. Several copies were actually sandwiched between some coloring books. This discovery was especially ironic, since we saw a number of people with hand-knitted house scarves milling about. A classic example of muggles in action, if I ever saw one.

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